Tuesday, October 5, 2010

For Someone So Smart...

PoS does some really dumb stuff.  I woke up at 4:42 this morning to retching sounds coming from the bathroom.  Let me back up.  I woke up to coughing coming from the bathroom, but I didn't get up because it was just coughing.  5 minutes later I heard the retching and sprung into action.

The lights were off, but I knew PoS was in there with her gremlin like affliction to light. 

Me: You okay in there?
PoS: Yeah
Me: Well what's wrong?
PoS: Didn't mean to wake you up. My stomach is just acting funny.
Me: What did you eat yesterday?

Let me digress for a minute.  We had a similar situation last year when PoS took left over shrimp egg foo yung to school with her, let it sit in her locker all morning and then ate it for lunch 5 hours later.  Surely she didn't something just as stupid, right?

PoS: I had chicken for lunch.
Me: Chicken? The chicken from dinner?
PoS: Yeah
Me: :::knowing there's no fridge at school:::: Well where was it all morning?
PoS: In my locker
Me: ::::big sigh:::: You can't just eat chicken that's been sitting out for hours!  It goes bad in no time.
PoS: I didn't know

By now she just sounds pitiful.
Me: You want me to bring you anything?
PoS: Some baking soda

Since she was a baby this has been her cure all for an upset stomach.  Tums be damned.  If there's some baking soda in the house, she's on it.  She even has the nerve to add it to the grocery list if she notices that we're running low.

Twenty minutes later she had cleaned herself up, was back in bed with a trash can next to it and had gone back to sleep.  Of course I couldn't go back to sleep so I sat up reading all the time thinking, for someone so smart she sure does some stupid stuff.


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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